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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > Boards and Committees

Education Committee (AM affairs)

College Representative: Prof. Samuel YS WONG  (Vice President, Education and Examinations)

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Terms of Reference

  1. To co-ordinate and monitor the programmes of postgraduate education and training and continuing medical education               of the Colleges to ensure that they are of the standard set by the Academy
  2. To ensure the proper organisation and conduct of examinations; and
  3. To advise the Council on education and training policy of the Academy, and on any other matters concerning                         postgraduate education and training and continuing medical education.
Members include representatives from all 15 AM Colleges, the representative is usually the Vice President or Chairman of Education Committee of individual College. Other members include representatives nominated by the Medical Council of Hong Kong, the Dental Council of Hong Kong, the Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority, the Director of Health, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The strong line up indicates the importance of EC under the AM Council.
