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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > Boards and Committees

Board of Conjoint Examination

Chairman: Dr. CHAN Hung Chiu
Chief Examiner: Dr. IP Pang Fei

KFP Coordinator:

Deputy KFP Coordinator:

Dr. DAO Man Chi

Dr. CHAN Pui Chuen

AKT Coordinator: Dr. Maria K W LEUNG
Deputy AKT Coordinator:
Dr. Felix TSUI & Dr. SIU Pui Yi
CCE Coordinator:
Dr. Loretta W Y CHAN
Deputy CCE Coordinator:
Dr. FU Sau Nga


Dr. Barry T F BIEN

Dr. Winnie W Y CHAN

Dr. LAU Ho Lim

Ex-officio: Dr. David V K CHAO

Prof. Samuel YS WONG

Dr. Billy C F CHIU

Dr. Cecilia Y M FAN
Board of Censors: Prof. Cindy L K LAM (Chief Censor)

Dr. Stephen K S FOO (Censor)

Prof. Donald K T LI (Censor)
Staff: Please check

Background / History / Chairman's Message

The Hong Kong College of General Practitioners was inaugurated in 1977. In 1984, after initiating the continuing medical education (CME) programmes in Hong Kong and establishing a preliminary vocational training (VT) programme for members, the college developed a system of assessment to measure the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of fellow general practitioners.


The first of the three local Fellowship Examinations of the College was held in May 1984 for all members of the College who had been in active general practice and had acquired at least 400 credit points since the inception of the College.


The first Conjoint Fellowship Examination with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners was held in 1987.


In June 1990, the Medical Council of Hong Kong officially recognized the title FHKCGP as a quotable higher qualification, making the Hong Kong College of General Practitioners the first local academic college granting recognizable postgraduate medical qualification.


Over the years major changes have been implemented to improve the validity and reliability of the examination. The Physical Examination (PE) segment in 1993 was added in response to a general deficiency in physical-examination techniques among candidates observed during the past years.

The merging of the Case Commentary Segment with the Orals segment in 1999 afforded increased opportunities for candidates to present and demonstrate their patients care in their own practice.

During the first few conjoint examinations, the Diagnostic Interview (DI) segment initially used actual patients for the interview and physical examination, but then switched to be use of role-playing examiners in order to provide better standardization.

The long DI case was cancelled in 1999 to prevent candidates from using purposeless ‘fishing-net' questioning. Instead, three short cases were used to emphasize the relevant bio-psycho-social in patients' problems.

In 1992, as required by the RACGP, the language medium for the Management Interview (MI) segment was changed from Cantonese to English, after which in 1997 one of the cases reverted to a Cantonese option to suit the needs of local doctors and patients.

In 2003, the written papers were changed to consist of MCQ and a new ‘key feature problems (KFP) paper to replace the MCQ and MEQ. In 2004, the three clinical components (MI, DI, and PE) were combined and modified to form a 14 station OSCE examination.

In 2018, the MCQ segment has renamed as Applied Knowledge Test (AKT), with no major change in the exam format.


Although the total number of candidates had risen to almost 200 in 2008, in recent years there were only about sixty to eighty candidates sitting the examination. However, with the continuous support by the health authorities on the structured vocational programme, it is expected to have an increase in the number of candidates again in the coming few years.


The Board of Conjoint Examination plans and conducts the Conjoint Fellowship Examination in Family Medicine with the RACGP. The Conjoint Examination has two segments: Written Segment (AKT & KFP) and Clinical Segment (CCE). Each segment will be co-ordinated by segment co-ordinators.

The Examination is designed to evaluate the competence of the candidates in regard to their knowledge, skills and attitudes in General Practice/Family Medicine. A good understanding of the principles and methods of General Practice is essential. Skills in problem solving, communication, practice management, physical examination, and office procedures are to be tested. Commitments of continuous, comprehensive, co-ordinated, patient-centred, and anticipatory care are expected from candidates.



(a) Applied Knowledge Test 3.5 hours
(b) Key Feature Problems 3 hours

Clinical Competency Examination (CCE)  About 4 hours 

Different segments test different areas of the candidate's competence in regard to their knowledge, skills and attitudes in Family Medicine and carry different weighting to the total score of the Examinations as follows:



Applied Knowledge Test 50
Key Feature Problems 50


CCE 100
