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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > Boards and Committees

Board of Diploma in Family Medicine

Chairman: Dr Simon C L Au
Course Director: Dr Stephen K S FOO
Course Advisors:
Professor Cindy L K LAM
Course Co-ordinators:
Professor Donald K T LI

Dr David V K Chao

Deputy Chairman:

Chairman, DFM Assessment & Examination Subcommittee: 

Dr CHAN Chi Wai
Module I & II Co-ordinator:
Dr Ken KM HO
Module III Co-ordinator:
Dr AU-YEUNG Shiu Hing
Module IV Co-ordinator:
Module V Co-ordinator:
Dr WONG Pak Hoi
Coordinator, Macau DFM:
Dr CHAN Man Li
Dr WAN Kwong Yu
Staff: Please check


The Board of the Diploma in Family Medicine (DFM) was first established in the year 2004. The Board was originally established by the Board of Education in 2002 as the Subcommittee for DFM, with the objective of organizing a diploma course in family medicine. The inspiration behind the diploma stemmed from the successful organization of the Diploma in Ultrasound course in 2002. This diploma was co-organized with the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong (HKU SPACE). It was soon realized that a diploma in family medicine would be a more appropriate and essential course for the College's members in general.

In May 2003, the Diploma in Family Medicine (HKCFP) was successfully launched by the College. A one year part-time course of study, the course consisted of five compulsory modules composed of two distance-learning theoretical modules and three local practical modules. The distance modules were offered with the help of Professor Leon Piterman and his Department of General Practice. The local clinical modules consisted of structured seminars, clinical updates (including bedside/ OPD clinical attachments) and practical workshops. The aim was to provide a practical, structured, and yet flexible mode of teaching which could enhance the knowledge, attitude, and skills of family medicine.

The first batch of 34 students graduated in June 2004. Their efforts were duly recognized and immediately rewarded as the Medical Council of Hong Kong granted quotable qualification status to the Diploma in July that same year. This prompt recognition by the Medical Council was partly due to co-ordination work and valuable advice rendered by Dr Yuk-tsan Wun and Dr Stephen Foo, and also due to the concerted efforts of all who contributed to the course. This new diploma with its quotable title-Diploma in Family Medicine, The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians, DFM (HKCFP) 香港家庭醫學學院家庭醫學文憑 - marked yet another important achievement and milestone in the College's history. 
