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MCQ (Please login 'Member Area' for online submission of latest issue)

MCQ June 2017

1. In the study looking at the quality of care which was provided by a Family Medicine specialist run diabetic clinic, the following statement was noted to be FALSE.

A. FM specialists practise was perceived to be safe and able to provide effective treatments in line with the current standards of medical care as well as ethical and professional values.
B. Family Medicine specialist run diabetic clinic was found to have improvements in the patients’ LDL control < 2.6, HbA1c capture rate within 1 year which was statistically significant but not the BMI capture rate within 1 year.
C. Statistical significant improvements were seen in the use of statin, RAMP attendance rates and RAMP referral rates.
D. There was no statistically significant improvement in BP control < 130/80, mean SBP and DBP.
E. There was no difference in the restriction of prescribing statin between GOPC and diabetic clinic but the rate of statin use was significantly higher in those who attend the diabetic clinic.

Answer: B.

2. Possible explanations for the findings in this pilot study were TRUE with the exception of:

A. Change in the attending doctor may help to break the clinical inertia for the long term diabetic patients.
B. Since doctors were seeing only patients with diabetes throughout the consultation day, they were able to provide a focused and streamline care.
C. There was a noted fluctuation in blood pressure control after the initial intensification treatment in this study.
D. After significant quota adjustments were made for the doctors in this clinic, a greater gain in consultation time was achieved which allowed them to be able to deal with the patients’ other co-morbidities.
E. Despite the minimal reduced case load in this DM clinic and a relatively short period of implementation, statistical significant improvements were seen in some aspects of the care of the diabetic patients.

Answer: D.

3. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT according to the new GINA report?

A. It is necessary to carry out comprehensive assessment of symptoms together with risk factors, treatment issue and comorbidities.
B. There is a need to adjust treatment in a stepwise approach for both pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy.
C. A review of response is advised every 2 to 3 months to ensure that disease control is optimised.
D. It aims at a personalised approach to patient care.
E. Strong relationship has been established between specific phenotypes and treatment response.

Answer: E.

4. The following are correct stepwise approaches to control symptoms and reduce future risks in asthma EXCEPT for:

A. As needed short-acting beta-agonist is used in step 1.
B. Medium dose inhaled corticosteroid is used in step 2.
C. High dose inhaled corticosteroid can be used in step 3.
D. Long acting beta-agonist can be used in step 4.
E. High dose inhaled corticosteroid and long acting beta-agonist can be used together in step 5.

Answer: B.

5. Which of the following statements concerning dilated cardiomyopathy (DCMP) is INCORRECT?

A. DCMP is more common in male.
B. Screening of family members and genetic testing are recommended in some parts of the world.
C. Alcohol can be a cause.
D. Ischaemia is not a possible cause.
E. It can be complicated by cardiac arrhythmias.

Answer: D.

6. All of the following are possible therapies for DCMP EXCEPT for:

A. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor.
B. Beta-blocker.
C. Loop diuretic in compensated cardiac failure.
D. Cardiac resynchronisation.
E. Heart transplant.

Answer: C.
