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MCQ (Please login 'Member Area' for online submission of latest issue)

MCQ Jun 2019

1. Which physical examination test can detect SLAP (Superior Labrum Anterior to Posterior)?

A. Resisted external rotation test
B. Empty can test
C. Bear bug test
D. O'Brien test
E. Lift off test

Answer: D.

2. Which type of Acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) separation injury should NOT be offered operative treatment according to Rockwood classification?

A. Type II
B. Type III
C. Type IV
D. Type V
E. Type VI

Answer: A.

3. Which patient factor(s) should be taken into consideration for operative treatment of partial thickness rotator cuff tear?

A. Age
B. Physical demand
C. Location of cuff tear
D. Size of cuff tear
E. All of the above

Answer: E.

4. Which of the following statements about palliative care are true? (I) Palliative care is applicable only at the dying phase. (II) The improvement in the quality of life of families of patients with life threatening disease is one of the targets of palliative care. (III) Palliative care may positively influence the course of illness. (IV) Hastening death in suffering patients is an intention of palliative care. (V) Patients on anticancer treatment are not eligible to be referred to palliative care service.

A. (I), (II) and (III)
B. (II) and (III)
C. (I), (II) and (IV)
D. (II), (III) and (V)
E. All of the above

Answer: B.

5. Which of the following does not describe the role that a primary care doctor plays in providing palliative care in the community?

A. Assessment of needs in physical, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions in their patients.
B. Initiation of Advance Care Planning discussion.
C. Provision of bereavement support to family members after patient’s death.
D. Provision of comprehensive palliative care to patients with complex and refractory symptoms.
E. Providing support to patients and family caregivers in the community.

Answer: D.

6. Which of the following strategies best describes the Shared Care approach between palliative care specialists (PC specialists) and health care workers in non-palliative care settings (non-PC specialists) in providing palliative care to patients in need?

A. Non-PC specialists provide care in the initial phase and PC specialists provide care in the dying phase.
B. Patients with less complex needs are served by non-PC specialists and patients with more complex needs are served by PC specialists.
C. PC specialists provide care when the patients are admitted into palliative care wards and non-PC specialists provide care when the patients are admitted into non-palliative care wards.
D. Non-PC specialists provide care when patients are still on life prolonging therapies and PC specialists provide care when such therapies are foregone.
E. PC specialists provide care in the hospital and non-PC specialists provide care in the community.

Answer: B.
