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MCQ (Please login 'Member Area' for online submission of latest issue)

MCQ Jun 2021

1. For infants with hearing loss identified by the age of 1 month, the process of obtaining appropriate hearing devices should start by the age of:

A. 6 weeks
B. 6 months
C. 1 year
D. 3 years
E. 6 years

Answer: B.

2. For young children with hearing loss, which of the following parties serves as the main coordinator of the rehabilitation services:

A. Hospital Authority
B. Social Welfare Department
C. Labour and Welfare Bureau
D. Education Bureau
E. The parents

Answer: D.

3. Which of the following is NOT a cause of macrocytosis?

A. Vitamin B 12 deficiency
B. Myelodysplastic syndrome
C. Anaemia of chronic illness
D. Haemolytic anaemia
E. Multiple myeloma

Answer: C.

4. Which of the following is NOT seen in the blood film of iron deficiency anaemia?

A. Hypochromasia
B. Microcytosis
C. Anisocytosis
D. Poikilocytosis
E. Spherocyte

Answer: E.

5. In the study titled “Prevalence of urinary incontinence in Chinese elderly male in primary care setting and their quality of life in Hong Kong”, which of the following is a significant risk factor for urinary incontinence in Chinese elderly male?

A. Diabetes Mellitus
B. Cerebrovascular accident
C. Benign prostatic hypertrophy
D. Prostatic Surgery
E. Prostate cancer

Answer: C.

6. Which of the following is FALSE in the above-mentioned study?

A. The severity of urinary incontinence worsens as patient ages.
B. There was a strong correlation between the ICIQ-UI SF score with the Kings Health Questionnaire domains on incontinence impact and severity measures.
C. The prevalence of urinary incontinence in elderly male was found to be 24.3% and most patients have moderate severity of incontinence.
D. The prevalence of urinary incontinence increased as patient ages.
E. Screening for urinary incontinence and the provision of suitable clinical care can alleviate the symptoms as well as improve a patient’s quality of life.

Answer: A.
