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MCQ (Please login 'Member Area' for online submission of latest issue)

MCQ March 2024

1. Which of the following tumour markers is/are commonly elevated with peritoneal inflammation or metastatic dissemination?

A. CA 15.3.
B. CA 72-4.
C. CA125.
E. CA19.9.

Answer: C.

2. When managing patients with tuberculosis in the general practice setting, the physician in charge must adhere to the following except:

A. Notify the Department of Health.
B. Perform contact surveillance.
C. Supervised adherence to treatment.
D. Monitor side effects including visual test.
E. Refer patient to chest clinic.

Answer: E.

3. The commonest cause of vitamin B12 deficiency in Hong Kong is:

A. Metformin-related.
B. Pernicious anaemia.
C. Strict vegan diet.
D. Celiac disease.
E. Post-gastrectomy.

Answer: A.

4. Which of the following statement about Pernicious Anaemia (PA) is FALSE.

A. PA is associated with autoimmune thyroid disease.
B. PA is associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
C. Patients with PA are at an increased risk of developing gastric endocrine tumours.
D. Patients with PA should be referred for oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD).
E. Parental vitamin B12 supplement could be stopped in patients with PA once the serum vitamin B12 level has returned to normal.

Answer: E.

5. Which of the following concerning the investigations of microscopic haematuria is false?

A. AUA suggested that shared decision making has to be made with patients about the risk and benefits of undergoing cystoscopy with renal ultrasound versus repeating urinalysis within 6 months in low-risk group patients.
B. If the repeating urinalysis (UA) is negative for microscopic haematuria in low-risk group patients, repeating another UA within 12 months should be considered and the patient can be released from urologic care if the repeated urinalysis is again negative.
C. AUA recommended cystoscopy and renal ultrasound to be performed in intermediate-risk group patients.
D. As recommended by AUA, cystoscopy and multiphasic Computed Tomography Urography (CTU) should be performed in patients classified as high risk as recommended by AUA.
E. It is recommended that urinary cytology should be the initial evaluation of microscopic haematuria in several international guidelines.

Answer: E.

6. Which of the followings is not considered as the risk factor of urothelial carcinoma?

A. Smoking status.
B. History of gross haematuria.
C. Female sex.
D. History of pelvic radiation therapy.
E. Degree of microscopic haematuria.

Answer: C.
